Social Involvement

Social Contribution Activities

  • Provided 450 large oxygen cylinders to rural areas of Nepal during Covid -19  Pandemic

  • Providing 224 oxygen concentrators were distributed to different provinces of  Nepal by Mr. Yem Kumar Gurung and his colleagues.


In addition to contribution to society through its business activities, the Gurkhas Ekta International group has undertaken social contribution initiatives in the past and during devastating earthquake of 2015 as follows:

1. Donation of NCR 2.5 million for reconstruction in Nepal.
2. Set up a fund to provide education to 2 x children of late Bishwo Bahadur Basula who died in Macau while working with G4S Macau.
3 . Regularly participating in Bagmati river cleaning campaign.
4 . Providing tents to earthquake victims in Urleni village.
5 . Provision of corrugated galvanized metal sheets to 60 earthquake victim (2 x bundles each family) in Makwanpur Municipality.
6. Financial Assistance to Mr. Dewan Rai who lost his right hand while working in Malaysia.
7. Financial Assistance to 44 households earthquake victims of Bhaktapur Dachhi VDC for renovation of their homes.
8. Life saving medicine worth of NPR 700,000 to the hospital in Terai Region during the unofficial blockade.
9. Emergency supply to the flood victims of Sarlahi District worth of NPR 1,100,000.
10. Tribeni Football Club, Besisahar NPR 300,000.
11. 3 x Computers to School in Lamjung District.
12. Health Post Gilung, Lamjung District, Kholah Sothar NPR 300,000.
13. Tamu Pratisthan, Lamjung District for the education of under privileged children NPR 250,000.